Sakai is the course management system used by Washington and Lee. You can expect to retrieve your syllabus and some other handouts on Sakai.
The Supersite ( is the main resource through which you will complete your on-line class assignments and watch videos. Animated tutorials on grammar points and supplemental resources may also be accessed through the Supersite.
This page from the Stanford Language Center has many useful resources, from how to write accents on computers, to suggestions for online radio and television sources.
LANIC from the University of Texas has a comprehensive list of newspapers and news sources from Latin America.
A note on online translators: while Google Translate often seems the most convenient option for your translating needs, its translating abilities are much more limited than they might seem. It should be noted that an assignment written in English and then plugged into Google Translate is not only extremely noticeable to a native-level reader, it will under no circumstances be accepted as having fulfilled the requirements for the assignment. In the event that you need to look up a word that you don’t know, the professor STRONGLY prefers that you instead resort to for your lexicographical needs. It is much more thorough in providing linguistic context (telling you things like which prepositions belong with which verbs, idiomatic expressions with a given word), and has available the powerful tool of the Forum, in which users may ask native speakers questions about usage.
BYU Corpus (words used in context)
Warning: Since online resources are dependent upon internet availability, do not wait until the last minute to complete exercises and tests in case you experience technical difficulties.